Saturday, January 11, 2020

2-week plan to lose weight without starving

2-week plan to lose weight without starving

If you want to take off those extra kilos, with this diet, rich in vitamins, you will get it. In two weeks you will be at your ideal weight.

Vegetables and fruits are basic and indispensable ingredients in a balanced diet, to lose weight in a healthy way. A reserve of vitamins, in addition to helping you quickly acquire a perfect figure, will fill you with energy and well-being. The plan that we offer you in this gallery is very easy to follow and allows you to lose those extra kilos without endangering your health. The secret is in the contribution of vitamins and in the balanced distribution of food throughout the day. You can eat everything; of course meat, fish and eggs, in addition to vegetables and fruit, but you can also take legumes, pasta, rice, bread, ice cream ...

Before starting the diet
If you have decided to start the regime do it as soon as possible; Do not postpone it or think about the sacrifices it will demand but the benefits you will get. It is difficult to lose weight if you do the diet with little conviction and lack of motivation; so the most important thing is to recover the will to want to feel good physically.

Write down everything you eat and drink, at what times and in what quantities. In this way, on the one hand you will realize that, you actually eat more of the bill, and on the other you will know if it is that you snack between hours because you get bored or you are discouraged. In this case, find hobbies that fill your free time such as going to the movies or walking with friends. A change of attitude is good to start a diet, but a makeover is also very helpful: go to the hairdresser, buy some garment that suits you, fix yourself a little more. And think of everything you have hanging in the closet. It is the beginning of change.

Once you are sure that you want to diet, remember that to achieve fast and lasting results it is essential to combine it with a general wellness program that includes a more dynamic lifestyle. Try to spend your free time in activities; Exercise is essential to help you lose fat and maintain muscle tone.

If you dare to follow this plan, take note of our gallery.
4 kg in two weeks if you are overweight of more than 10 kg.
2 kg in two weeks if you have more or less 8 kg left over.
1 kg in two weeks if you have more or less 5 kg left over.

However, something fundamental to succeed is to reach a reasonable weight. Too difficult goals create a feeling of frustration, with the consequent abandonment of the regime and the return to the original weight.

- Sit at the table and eat slowly, savoring the food.
- Do not peck between meals. If you are hungry, take a piece of fruit.
- Drink a lot of water.
- Weigh yourself only once a week, at the same time and on the same scale.
- Bring the dishes to the table with the food already served.
- Do not store food that is not allowed in the refrigerator or you will be tempted.
- If you go to a restaurant ask for only one dish accompanied by vegetables.
- Do not be afraid of the mirror; Look good and go checking the changes.
- Do not go shopping when you have a hunger attack.
- Do not cook for other dishes that you have prohibited.

Infusions will help you when it comes to losing weight.
- Diuretic: mix 15 g of each of these herbs: hawthorn, broom, dandelion, elder, birch, celandine and horsetail. The dose of a tea is one tablespoon of this mixture per cup. You can drink, always warm, two or three herbal teas a day.
- Relaxing: mix 40 g of lavender flowers, 40 g of orange blossoms, 50 g of marjoram and 50 g of lime. Put a tablespoon of the mixture in a cup of boiling water for 15 minutes. Filter and drink.
- Depurativa: mix 10 g of each of these plants: artichoke, licorice, burdock, asparagus and dandelion. For each tea, put a tablespoon of the mixture in a cup of boiling water for 15 minutes. Filter and drink. You can take it twice a day.
Take raw fruits and vegetables. Buy them mature and full season.
- It is advisable not to peel the fruit because many vitamins are right between the skin and the pulp.
- Do not store fruits and vegetables for a long time; Air and light alter vitamins. For example, with heat, the leafy vegetable, at room temperature, loses in a few days almost 90% of its vitamin C; Store it better in the fridge. And do not prepare fruit juices until you drink them.
- Vegetables should be steamed, or at least for the shortest possible time and with little water. If you can take them raw, avoid any form of cooking.
- Dress the vegetables and salads only with a tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil and lemon.
Your body needs vitamins and minerals. You will find them in food.

- Vitamin A (yellow vegetables, cabbage, lettuce, potatoes, spinach, fish, liver, egg): 0.6-0.8 mg. They are equivalent to 3 apricots or two egg yolks.
- Vitamin B1 (dried legumes, wheat, liver, pork, salmon and whole foods): 15 mg. They are equivalent to a pork steak or 100 g of serrano ham.
- Vitamin B2 (nuts, liver, fish, milk, chicken, brewer's yeast): 1.5 mg. They are equivalent to an average serving of cheese or 50 g of chicken liver.
- Vitamin B3 (nuts, fish, poultry, kidneys and veal liver): from 13 to 15 mg. They are equivalent to a turkey steak or a little tuna in oil.
- Vitamin B6 (rice, tuna, lentils, bananas, bean sprouts, liver, wheat germ, eggs): from 1.5 to 2 mg. They are equivalent to a liver steak or two avocados.
- Vitamin C (citrus fruits, strawberries, tomatoes, spinach, leeks, watercress, broccoli, cauliflower, potatoes): 60 mg. They are equivalent to an orange, 2 kiwis or a plate of asparagus.
- Vitamin D (cod liver oil, fatty fish, dairy products, whole grains): 0.02 mg. They are equivalent to a serving of sardines or 100 g of salmon.
- Vitamin E (vegetable oils, wheat sprouts, nuts, legumes, vegetables, eggs): 8 mg. They are equivalent to a little tuna in oil.

They are essential minerals in food:
- Iodine (seafood and blue fish in general, cod, oysters and coarse salt): 0.1 mg. They are equivalent to a swordfish steak.
- Sodium (butter, milk, beef, bread, mussels, canned sardines): 3 mg. They are equivalent to a plate of artichokes or fennel salad.
- Iron (ham, cheese, legumes, egg yolk, pork): 18 mg. They are equivalent to a small liver steak.
- Potassium (citrus, bananas, cereals, nuts, potatoes, spinach and milk): 40 mg. They are equivalent to a banana or 2 kiwis.
- Zinc (Tomato, milk, wheat sprouts, turkey, beef, pork, herring): 15 mg. They are equivalent to a large glass of tomato juice.

It is necessary to measure food when we are on a diet.

- A glass: 2 dl
- Pasta ration: 100-150 g
- Rice ration: 100g
- Meat ration: 100-150 g
- Fish ration: 150 g
- Cheese ration: 60 g
- Serving of ham: 70 g
- Vegetables and lettuce: 250 g (dress only with a tablespoon extra virgin olive oil and lemon)
- Scoop of oil: 10g
- Breakfast. A glass of semi-skimmed milk with sweetener and 2 whole-grain biscuits without butter.
- Snack. A juice of 2 squeezed oranges; at least two hours before the meal.
- Food. A serving of rice with the hydrangea. A serving of fresh cheese. 1 grilled zucchini. 4 integral crackers. A kiwi
- Dinner. A grilled beef steak. An escarole or lettuce salad. 3 integral crackers. A small apple
- Breakfast. A skimmed yogurt with a teaspoon of honey and half a whole wheat muffin.
- Snack. A pear or tomato juice.
- Food. A serving of noodles with zucchini. A serving of cooked ham. A muffin An orange.
- Dinner. A grilled chicken breast with lemon. 2 slices of whole wheat bread. A cup of fruit salad from Macedonia.
 Breakfast. A cup of tea with lemon, with sweetener. A brown bread without butter.
- Snack. 2 kiwis or a grapefruit.
- Food. A serving of pasta with broccoli. A serving of monkfish baked in papillote (or hake). A slice of fresh pineapple.
- Dinner. An escarole or lettuce salad with beef jerky. A serving of stewed carrots. Half muffin A kiwi

Day 4
- Breakfast. A coffee with semi-skimmed milk (or a glass of semi-skimmed milk) with sweetener. 5 Maria cookies and 15 g of jam.
- Snack. One medium apple and two integral crackers.
- Food. A serving of roast chicken. Mixed salad. A muffin A cup of fresh fruit salad.
- Dinner. A serving of spaghetti with mollusks. A yogurt.

Day 5
- Breakfast. An infusion (of chamomile, pulley, tea) sweetened with honey. 4 wholemeal cookies without butter or jam.
- Snack. 2 grapefruits; You can take them in juice with sweetener.
- Food. A serving of black pudding stew accompanied with tomato salad. An integral muffin. A pear.
- Dinner. A serving of pasta c
Breakfast. A skimmed yogurt with a flat spoon of whole grains.
- Snack. A cup of fresh fruit salad with sweetener.
- Food. A serving of vegetable stew. A serving of fresh cheese. 4 integral crackers. A pear.
- Dinner. A grilled sole. An escarole or lettuce salad. An integral muffin. 3 slices of pineapple.

Day 7
- Breakfast. A cup of tea with milk (or coffee with better skim milk) with sweetener. Half whole wheat muffin with some honey.
- Snack. A glass of the juice of two squeezed grapefruits, with sweetener.
- Food. A serving of Bolognese gnocchi. A serving of baked potatoes. An orange or a medium apple.
- Dinner. A slice of hake with steamed spinach. 4 integral crackers. A yogurt.

Day 8
- Breakfast. A cup of coffee with milk (better skimmed and sweetened) and a brioche.
- Snack. An apple or a glass of tomato juice.
- Food. A serving of fresh cheese seasoned with salt, pepper and a few drops of oil. Roasted pepper salad or a plate of cooked spinach. Half whole wheat muffin. A pear.
- Dinner. A serving of grilled chicken breasts with mushrooms. A serving of cooked carrots seasoned with lemon juice. A slice of pineapple.
Day 9
- Breakfast. A smoothie made of fresh fruit and a whole wheat toast spread with honey.
- Snack. A small banana or 2 kiwis.
- Food. Zucchini and carrot puree. A serving of grilled white fish. A slice of whole wheat bread. An orange.
- Dinner. A grilled beef steak. Lettuce or Escarole Salad. 3 integral crackers. 2 kiwis or a pear.

Day 10
- Breakfast. A skimmed yogurt. 5 wholemeal cookies spread with a little honey.
- Snack. About 200 g of fruit, or a slice of natural pineapple.
- Food. Salad with prawns. A slice of whole wheat bread. Fruit ice cream.
- Dinner. A plate of white rice salad with strips of cooked zucchini (season with lemon and oil). 3 integral crackers. A medium apple

Day 11
- Breakfast. A glass of fresh fruit juice and 3 biscuits with jam.
- Snack. A cup of fresh fruit salad.
- Food. A serving of white rice. Mixed salad. A slice of bread An orange.
- Dinner. A turkey breast sandwich. A serving of grilled vegetables. A pear.

Day 12
- Breakfast. A natural orange juice and a whole wheat toast with honey.
- Snack. A fresh fruit juice or a fruit smoothie with some skim milk.
- Food. A serving of pasta with vegetables. A serving of mushrooms or sauteed mushrooms. Half whole wheat muffin. 2 kiwis
- Dinner. A serving of bonito in oil (a can of about 100g). A serving of vegetable stew. 3 integral crackers. An orange.

Day 13
- Breakfast. A cup of coffee or tea. 4 cookies spread with a little honey.
- Snack. A small banana or an orange (or the juice of 2 oranges).
- Food. A serving of spaghetti with garlic, oil and chilli. Salad of lettuce or escarole with bell peppers and radishes. Half whole wheat muffin. A slice of natural pineapple.
- Dinner. Scrambled eggs with vegetables (you can add a few strips of ham). A grated carrot salad dressed with vinaigrette. 3 integral crackers. A kiwi

Day 14
- Breakfast. A glass of semi-skimmed milk with some coffee and 4 wholemeal cookies.
- Snack. A fresh fruit smoothie (apple, pear, pineapple, banana, kiwi, oranges)
- Food. A serving of macaroni and natural tomato. A serving of stewed beef with zucchini. Half whole wheat muffin. A pear.
- Dinner. A roasted sole. Lettuce or Escarole Salad. 2 crackers A small apple

Not to gain weight again after the diet ...
- Do not skip breakfast.
- Eat pasta and rice at lunch; and for dinner take meat and fish.
- Make five daily meals.
- Consume abundant amounts of fruit and vegetables.
- Gives preference to whole foods, rich in fiber.
- Choose steamed, grilled or papillote prepared foods.
- Take the raw vegetables.
- Dress foods with herbs and spices.
- Drink a lot of water.
- Limit snacks, alcohol consumption and sugar.
- Consume little salt.
- Practice your favorite sport.
- Get up from the table with a little appetite.
- Don't serve too large portions.
- Eat very slowly.
- Write down everything you eat; This way you will discover if you have corrected your bad habits.