Monday, January 6, 2020

Balanced Diet 5 menus balanced to lose weight and reduce fat

Balanced Diet 5 menus balanced to lose weight and reduce fat

Did you know that a balanced diet influence 4 Factors? Variety, frequently, moderation and hydration. I give you 5 menus to lose weight and fat.

To lose weight and eat a balanced diet, Carlos Aznar Gallego, a nutritionist, recommends essential foods and clarifies several doubts about pecking between meals or the amount of meals that we must make per day.

What are the keys to a balanced diet;? Losing weight, target
What foods are essential in a balanced diet to help fat loss and weight? Control your BMI
What foods are not recommended include weight loss diets and why?
Tricks to lose weight and lead a balanced diet
Is it convenient snack between meals? Does it depend on the type of food?
How many meals a day RECOMMEND make?
What are the keys to a balanced diet? Weight loss, the goal
In broad strokes and regardless of the objective we seek, the balanced diet of an individual such as the Mediterranean diet must cover 4 basic principles (except in situations where there is an associated pathology):

Principle of variety: our diet should include all food groups to get specific nutrients that gives us each. Here are some ideas for your breakfasts are varied.
Frequency principle: the way we have to maintain a hormonal balance and energy consumption is maintaining a frequent and regular food.

Principle of moderation: again, regardless of the objective, our tendency should be to consume food in a moderate way, since per unit of time the body has a limited capacity for assimilation and utilization of energy and nutrients.
Hydration principle: all the chemical reactions that regulate our metabolism occur in an aqueous medium, so we must provide water regularly throughout the day. It is also an excellent tool for controlling appetite and satiety.

What foods are essential in a balanced diet to help fat loss and weight?
Control your BMI While it is true that there are no foods with "negative calories", if our goal is to reduce the percentage of body fat we should prioritize those foods that produce a feeling of satiety, while providing us with nutrients and few calories. Our recommendation:

Fruits and vegetables, since with a reduced caloric intake are the foods that have more vitamins and minerals.

Fish, eggs and meat, since despite being associated with a certain amount of fat, the contribution of amino acids they generate is essential for the protection of our tissues as well as the functioning of our metabolism.
Nuts and legumes, since the energy they provide us is associated with a very high amount of essential nutrients and also the absorption of it is very slow, which is tremendously beneficial for hormonal control.
Rice: It is a fundamental food for weight loss. You have to learn to make a loose white rice to make tasty dishes.

What foods are not recommended include weight loss diets and why?

Basically those who not only provide us with large amounts of energy, but also do so quickly. This is the case of sugar, refined flours and rice - present in most of the pastas, breads and rice that we consume regularly, as well as soft drinks and industrial juices. These products generate tremendously rapid increases in blood sugar, which stimulates a hormone called insulin that acts by introducing sugar into our muscles - which a priori could be positive - only when the rise in sugar is sharp and large amounts this insulin can also stimulate the entry of that energy to another type of cells called adipocytes, which are related to the increase in fatty tissue.

Tricks to lose weight and lead a balanced diet

In addition to following the advice of Aitor Sánchez with his book "My diet no longer limps" or the realfooding movement of Carlos Ríos, the key to losing weight (or rather body fat) is to generate a negative energy balance. That is to say, to consume - in a controlled way - fewer calories than we burn, and that these calories come from nutritional "quality" foods. Of course, if we expose our body to excessive caloric restriction it can have negative effects: decay and the known rebound effect (our body defends itself from the lack of energy assimilating it in the form of fat). With your DKV health insurance you can solve your nutrition questions with the nutritional medical line, you will have advice on the type of diet you need.

The exercise is undeniable that is one of the main tools to stimulate the caloric expenditure of the individual and also optimizes the use of certain nutrients. There are exercises to lose weight. In addition to exercise it has been shown that sleeping well (which does not mean sleeping a lot) favors weight loss, since our hormonal system will function properly and we will avoid situations of metabolic stress that cause the body to “resist” losing weight in response to aggressive agents such as lack of sleep, fasting or dehydration.

As always, it is not advisable to follow any diet to lose weight and run away from diets to lose weight fast since they do not have medical support and although at first they usually achieve weight reduction in people who follow them, in the medium-long term the result is the opposite , recovering the lost weight, and even in some cases, increasing the body weight by the known rebound effect.

Is it convenient snack between meals? Does it depend on the type of food?

Itching is not convenient, but it is a very good strategy to keep our blood glucose controlled and therefore regulate our appetite. The problem appears when that pecking is random and improvised, just as we have to organize our breakfasts and main meals, we must keep some control of the healthy pecking alternatives that are within our reach to be able to include between hours. In principle, the foods that interest us most are those foods that provide us with a small amount of sugar that is absorbed as slowly as possible, which is associated with a significant amount of fiber to stimulate satiety and always accompanied by a significant amount of Water. Our suggestion for a healthy snack: fruit, skimmed milk, controlled amounts of nuts, small sandwiches and whole wheat sandwich can be very good alternatives.

The adequate consumption of sugar will help us to have a balanced diet. A sweet recipe for sugar control is that of sugar-free chocolate chip cookies. It is a recipe for those who know the pros

How many meals do you recommend to make per day?

In general, to maintain a balanced diet, I recommend making 5-6 meals a day, but really what determines the number of meals a day is the number of hours that we remain active. A person who has breakfast at 6:00 and dines at 23:00 will have to make a greater number of meals than the one who has breakfast at 9:00 and dine at 22:00. The really important thing is not to leave large periods of fasting, since this triggers an imbalance of glucose levels which in turn causes a decrease in vital energy, an increase in appetite and a tendency to accumulate fat when we eat food as a supercompensation. Therefore, we cannot say that there are a number of recommended meals per day, but that each person according to the level of physical activity, work / study and sleep schedules will have one recommendation or another.