Saturday, January 11, 2020



A high percentage of the Spanish population, specifically 20% older than 18 years, has a cholesterol level above 250 mg / dl (an excessive value), according to a study by the Spanish Society of Cardiology (SEC). The increase in plasma cholesterol concentrations above normal levels (more than 200 mg / dl) keeps a good part of society worried.

Inadequate diets among the population are a determining factor in this hypercholesterolemia. And there are many people who include in their diet numerous animal fats, saturated fats and alcohol, partly because of the speed that our lives demand. However, there are other factors that allow the increase of cholesterol in our body such as: liver diseases, endocrine and renal diseases, along with the administration of certain drugs and the genetic predisposition to hypercholesterolemia. The latter, an inherited disease that is expressed from birth, is caused by mutations in the gene that encodes the LDL receptor (these receptors are responsible for eliminating cholesterol from the blood) and leads to an increase in blood cholesterol, mainly of cholesterol transported by low density lipoproteins (LDL or bad cholesterol).

The treatment of this pathology requires a change in lifestyle: healthy eating, reducing alcohol intake, quitting smoking, avoiding excess weight and physical exercise are the weapons necessary to combat this pathology, which in some cases requires the drug use But what is the real key? Without a doubt, the food.

To achieve our goal, control the dreaded cholesterol, we have to base our diet on foods such as: fruits and vegetables, five servings a day; vegetables; whole grains (bread, pasta, rice); legumes (three servings a week); blue fish (at least three servings a week (tuna, sardine, anchovy, salmon ...); nuts (nuts, almonds) and virgin olive oil.

These foods provide us with nutrients that help us reduce blood cholesterol levels and increase the so-called HDL cholesterol (good cholesterol) because they provide monounsaturated fatty acids (present in virgin olive oil), omega-3 fatty acids (fish blue), plant sterols / stanols (in vegetable oils or incorporated in dairy products), antioxidants (such as fruits and vegetables).

Avoid certain foods
On the other hand we have to avoid those foods that in their own composition include abundant fat harmful to the heart. It's simple. For example, you can substitute whole dairy for skimmed ones; butter for olive oil and fatty meats for lean meats with low fat, such as rabbit or skinless chicken. As for sausages, egg yolks, commercial fried and industrial pastries you should avoid them.

If you doubt how to cook to avoid cholesterol, it is advisable to use low fat cooking methods such as: baked, grilled, grilled, microwaved, roasted or steamed.

To prevent hypercholesterolemia:
It consumes 30-35% fat, mainly in the form of fish and virgin olive oil.
Saturated fat should be reduced. It is recommended that it be less than 10% of the diet.
Eat less than 7% polyunsaturated fat.
Limit monounsaturated fat to 15-20% of the diet.
Consume less than 300 mg of cholesterol, 50-55% carbohydrates and 15% protein.
Take 20-30 g of fiber and enough calories to maintain an adequate weight.