Saturday, January 11, 2020



Index of contents

5 What are diets and how do they help us lose weight
6 Healthy foods to lose weight fast
7 List of healthy diets to lose weight
8 Dietitians and recommended nutritionists:

Get your ideal weight thanks to the diet! The food we follow every day is what will mark our state of health. As the saying “We are what we eat” says well and, therefore, betting on a healthy diet is essential to get to be at our right weight and, in addition, enjoy an optimal state of health.

The ideal diet should provide only the indispensable amounts of energy, lipids and proteins

José Mataix Verdú

There are many diets to lose weight that promote healthy eating habits and beneficial to the body. In addition, they help you burn the accumulated fat in the body and enjoy a more slender silhouette and, in general, a healthier life.

Then we will leave you a list of the best diets to lose weight with which you can reach your ideal weight and, at the same time, relearn some basic concepts of healthy eating.

  • ketogenic diet
  • bland diet
  • paleo diet
  • dukan diet
  • Mediterranean diet
  • protein diet
  • dissociated diet
  • alkaline diet
  • vegan diet
  • lemon diet
  • dash diet
  • scardale diet
  • vegetarian diet
  • balanced diet
  • tuna diet
  • atkins diet
  • fodmap diet
  • hyperprotein diet
  • macrobiotic diet
  • hypercaloric diet
  • perricone diet
  • pineapple diet
  • cucumber diet
  • banana diet
  • oatmeal diet
  • snack diet
  • Montignac diet
  • diet points

In addition to the weight loss diets just listed, you have to know that there are other methods that focus on calorie reduction. Remember that our body needs a series of daily calories to function: if we reduce them, we force the body to go to our energy reserve (that is, our fats) to meet that energy demand.

Of course, there are also some food methods that are indicated for specific health conditions. This is the case for, for example, people who suffer from high cholesterol or who have diabetes. In any of these cases it is important to carry out a medical diet that, in addition, must be supervised by a health professional.

Here we discover some of the most common health conditions that directly affect our diet. In this way, you will know what are the guidelines to follow to enjoy a healthier life.

  • diabetes diet
  • gastrointeritis diet
  • gastritis diet
  • hyperthyroidism diet
  • cholesterol diet
  • hypertensive diet
  • pregnant diet
  • postpartum diet

Your goal is to get fit? If you want to improve your muscle tone, gain weight or get a more fibrated body, then you have to bet on a specific type of diet. The truth is that to strengthen your muscles there are some nutrients such as protein that are essential for your body.

Therefore, if what you are looking for is to sculpt and shape your silhouette, keep in mind what are the sports diets that will help you achieve your goals. Here we discover them!

  • fattening diet
  • fitness diet
  • diet define muscle

In addition to the weight loss diets that we have already mentioned, you should know that there are other diets that help you improve your body's balance and, therefore, lose weight. These diets are designed, not only to lose weight, but also to purify the body and return it to an optimal state of health.

Here we will discover some of the most popular eating plans that manage to create this harmony between wellness and weight loss.

  • moon diet
  • apple diet
  • lose belly diet
  • 5 kilos slimming diet
  • detox diet

Currently we assume that a diet is a synonym for diet, which refers to the whole, combination and amounts of food that are consumed regularly. They can also refer to the regimen that, in certain circumstances, is performed by healthy people who want to lose weight or convalescent people of a disease that need a special regimen to recover.

Diets are considered balanced if they carry nutrients and energy in amounts that allow the body to develop its daily activity in a context of physical and mental health. But a balanced diet is particular for each person as it has to adapt to their health situation, sex, and age. However, there are multiple factors (social, geographical, pathological, economic, etc.) that influence its balance.

Below you will see a series of keys to successfully make a weight loss plan as well as some warning before and after the diet. We will also leave you an infographic that clearly summarizes what are called the 3 “efes” of weight loss success.

The 3 “F” that help you lose weight successfully

For weight loss to be effective, several factors that you must memorize must be taken into account. To make it easy for you to do this, we leave you here what we call "The Three F's of a successful diet":

F1: Mental Strength
It is based on psychological motivation
Set achievable goals
Use measurable objectives
Do not make these mistakes

F2: Physiology
It requires our own effort
Poses to eat less quantities
Use the calorie count

F3: Physical form
It requires a little discipline
Pose training / exercise routines
Look for a good physical form and eliminate caloric excess.

Once you have finished dieting, if you have not reached your goal of losing all the excess weight you have, we advise you not to do another diet below. Let at least 2 weeks go by and start exercising.

One of the dangers of diets is that, if you join with each other, very dangerous phenomena occur:

It slows down your metabolism and when you return to normal eating, you gain weight again.
Anxiety grows.
Diets can create "addiction," don't get hooked on them.
Use only the diet you need. From here try to improve your lifestyle.


Sometimes it's easy to get confused about what a healthy diet is and what isn't. Foods that are valued in a protein diet, for example, are very different from those in a hydrate-based diet. All of them can make you lose weight, but not all of them are healthy diets and, therefore, recommended to do for a long time.

Do not eliminate any food, except sweets
Healthy diets to lose weight are those that allow you to consume as many calories as your body needs. To lose weight it is not necessary to suppress food, its proportion is simply reduced and therefore the consumption of calories.

Meets the 1: 1: 4 rule
Nutrient ratios follow this basic rule: 1: 1: 4, where the first indicators are protein and fat and the last carbohydrates. It means that in each menu you must include one serving of protein and one of fat for every 4 servings of carbohydrates.

Diversify food
Healthy diets seek to diversify food, because in this way the shortage of some nutrient is avoided and the diet is much more enjoyable. To obtain the necessary total of vitamins, trace elements and minerals it is necessary to vary the diet as much as possible. Although you have to emphasize the consumption of vegetables and proteins.
Healthy diets to lose weight include a lot of fiber as it improves intestinal transit and the elimination of toxins and fats. The fiber is found in cereals, legumes, vegetables, whole-grain versions of bread and pasta, fruits and berries.

Eat every 4 hours: chrononutrition
3 main meals must be made: breakfast, lunch and dinner with 2 snacks. In this way the active metabolism is maintained and calories are burned before.

.Out alcohol and sugar
A healthy diet that takes care of your health should not include sugar that does not come from the fruit. Nor alcohol intake. Apart from the fact that alcohol is high in calories, (empty calories, without nutrients) it also excites appetite receptors, which leads to eating more.

If you want to eliminate those extra kilos and bet on a healthy and low-calorie diet, it is important that you change some bad habits that you may be following in your day to day. Reviewing food is essential to bet on a nutritious and beneficial diet for the body without, therefore, having to go hungry or suffer any adverse effects.

Actually, losing weight is very simple because, only, we have to apply a simple mathematical logic. And it is the following: a day we need X calories to live in a healthy way, if we exceed the body it will reserve that surplus (in the form of saturated fat) and, if we do not arrive, the body will use that fat to burn it and use it as energy.

Therefore, to lose weight what we have to do is to slightly reduce the daily calories we take and, thus, we can start to lose weight. And what to do to reduce calories? Easy: eat foods lower in calories and, above all, accompany our diet with physical exercise. In this way, we will take better care of our body and make the burning of fat also involve putting our body in shape.

In the food plan you should know that the best foods to lose weight in a healthy way are the following:

Fruits and vegetables: they are low in calories and very rich in nutrients. In addition, they provide us with water, fiber and help purify the body. Indispensable
Lean meats: proteins are essential in the diet but, in the case of meats, better opt for lean to reduce fat and calories.
Fish: fish of any type are ideal for your diet but, yes, cook them lightly, without sauces or oil in abundance.
Eggs: they are perfect to incorporate into a diet to lose weight because they provide high quality proteins and healthy fats.
Skimmed dairy: you can also take them in your diet but always in a skimmed version to reduce fat intake without affecting your nutritional intake.
Complex and integral carbohydrates: they can be part of your diet if you want to lose weight and be healthy. It is best that you consume them in a controlled manner and never take them at dinner time.
And, of course, water consumption is essential if you want to lose weight effectively. Water will help you purify the body, eliminate fluid retention and improve your body internally. It is recommended to drink 2 liters a day to get fit.

Next, we will analyze different weight loss diets that are very famous due to their great success and the results they offer.

The most famous slimming diets: We analyze different regimes that have become very popular: Atkins, Paleo, etc.
To lose weight 5 kilos: We discover some “crash” eating plans that can help you lose that amount in short periods of time.

1,000 calorie diet: List of diets that limit caloric intake to 1,000 daily calories.
500 calorie diet: Another "crash" diet with type menus for each day of the week.
Diet to lose weight without going hungry: This diet to lose weight in 2 weeks is healthy, it is a healthy meal plan that lasts no more than 15 days and allows you to take both proteins and vegetables.
More effective crash plans: No further explanation is needed. Diet to act quickly and do very occasionally.
Purifying diets: Occasionally it is super healthy to eliminate toxins from the body. I tell you how to do it.

For athletes: An athlete has specific nutritional needs, let me tell you what kind of nutritional plans there are for them.
Diets to improve health: These are specific diets to improve a specific aspect: lower cholesterol, improve cardiovascular aspects etc.
Vegetarian diet to lose weight: We offer you tips to lose weight in a healthy way without eating meat or fish.
Fruit and vegetable diet: We will show you the pros (which are many) and the cons of a diet that prioritizes the consumption of fruits and vegetables.

However, before dieting, you should know what your ideal weight is. Slimming takes time. Living in a healthy way is a way of thinking, a way of life. You just have to make the right choice because you have the opportunity to choose what you eat and how much you move. Make the healthy decision. Good luck!
Before starting any diet we recommend that you contact a professional to advise you. Here we recommend some of the best professionals to advise you with: