Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Nutrition and weight loss: myths and truths

Nutrition and weight loss: myths and truths

In this page:

Myths about diets and weight loss
Myths about meals
Myths about physical activity
Myths about food
Do you have more questions?
Additional Information
Clinical Trials
"Lose 30 pounds (14 kilos) in 30 days!"
"Eat everything you want and lose weight!"

"Buy the thigh toner and lose several centimeters in no time!"

There are many diets and products available, but so many things are heard that it is hard to know what to believe. The information we offer here can help you. This fact sheet talks about some of the myths and truths about weight loss, nutrition and physical activity. This information can help you make healthy changes in your daily life.

If you wish to lose weight or have any questions that we have not addressed here, talk to your doctor or other healthcare professional. A nutritionist or dietitian can give you advice on how to follow a healthy eating plan or how to lose weight without risk and not increase it again.

Myths about diets and weight loss
Myth: Fad diets are a good way for me to lose weight and not increase it again.
Truth: Fad diets are not the best way to lose weight permanently. This type of diet generally promises that you will lose weight quickly. They make you strictly reduce what you eat or avoid certain types of food. You may lose weight at first, but it is difficult to continue this type of diet. Most people soon get tired of following them and regain the weight they had lost.

Some fad diets are not healthy and do not provide all the nutrients the body needs. In addition, if you lose more than 3 pounds (almost 1½ kilos) a week for several weeks, you may increase the chance that you will develop gallstones (masses of solid material in the gallbladder that can be painful). If you follow a diet of less than 800 calories a day for a long time, you may have serious heart problems.

Tip: Research suggests that the safest way to lose weight and not increase it again is to follow a healthy diet with fewer calories than before and exercise every day. The goal is to lose from ½ pound to 2 pounds (from ¼ kilo to 1 kilo) per week (after the first weeks of weight loss). Choose healthy foods. Eat small portions. Incorporate the exercise into your daily routine. Together, these eating and exercise habits can be a healthy way to lose weight and not increase it again. These habits also decrease your chance of developing heart disease, high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes.

Healthy habits can help you lose weight
Choose healthy foods.
You should fill half of your plate with fruits and vegetables.

Eat small portions.
Use a smaller plate or check the nutrition facts label to learn what portion sizes should be.

Incorporate the exercise into your daily routine.
Do gardening, go for a walk with your family, play sports, start a dance club with your friends, swim, use the stairs, or walk to the store or work.

Together, these habits can be a healthy and risk-free way of losing weight and not increasing it again.

Myth: Grain products, such as bread, pasta and rice make me fat. I should avoid them when I try to lose weight.
Truth: A grain product is any food made with wheat, rice, oats, barley or other cereal. Grains are divided into two subgroups: whole grains and refined grains. Whole grains contain the entire seed germ — the bran, the germ and the endosperm. Some examples are brown rice and whole wheat bread, cereals and pasta. The refined grains have been ground, a process through which the bran and germ are removed. This is done to give the grains a finer texture and increases the shelf life of perishable products, however, it removes dietary fiber, iron and many of the B vitamins.

People who eat whole grains as part of a healthy diet may reduce their chances of developing some chronic diseases. Government dietary guidelines suggest that half of the grains you consume are whole grain. For example, select bread that has 100 percent whole wheat flour instead of white bread, and brown rice instead of white rice. The Additional Information section at the end of this sheet provides useful links to these guidelines and to the MyPlate External link website, which provides information, practical suggestions and tools for healthy eating.
Tip: To lose weight, you have to eat fewer calories and increase the amount of exercise or physical activity you do each day. Establish and follow a healthy eating plan that replaces less healthy options with a mixture of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, protein foods and low-fat dairy products:

Eat a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and milk and its fat-free or low-fat derived products.Limit added sugars, cholesterol, salt (sodium) and saturated fats, also known as "solid fats," which are fats that come from fatty meats and high-fat milk-based products such as butter .
Eat protein that is low in fat like beans, eggs, fish, lean meats, nuts, and chicken or turkey.
Eat vegetables and fruits of all colors!
When you fill half of your plate with fruits and vegetables, choose foods with a variety of intense colors. Thus you will get a variety of vitamins, minerals and fiber.

  • Red red peppers, cherries, blueberries ("cranberries"), red onions, beets (beetroot or beet), strawberries, tomatoes, watermelon

  • Green avocados, broccoli, cabbage (cabbage), cucumbers, dark lettuce, grapes, green melon, kale, kiwis, spinach, Italian green squash ("zuchinni")

  • Orange and yellow apricots, bananas or bananas, melons, papaya, carrots, mangoes, oranges, peaches or peaches, pumpkins, sweet potatoes (sweet potato or sweet potato)

  • Blue and purple blackberries, blueberries (blue berries), grapes, plums, purple cabbage, purple carrots, purple potatoes

Learn more! For more practical suggestions on healthy eating, see the Additional Information section to find useful links to federal government-approved dietary guidelines and the MyPlate External link site.

Myths about meals
Myth: Some people can eat everything they want and still lose weight.
Truth: To lose weight, you need to burn more calories than you eat and drink. There are people who seem to be able to eat any type of food they want and still lose weight. However, like other people, in order to lose weight, they have to use more energy than they eat through food.

There are some factors that can affect your weight. These include age, medications, daily living habits and the genes he has inherited from his parents. If you want to lose weight, talk to your doctor about the factors that can affect your weight. Together they can create a plan for you to reach your weight and health goals.

Tip: Just because you are trying to lose weight does not mean you cannot eat your favorite foods. The important thing is that you have a healthy eating plan and if one day you eat something that makes you very fat, that is, you have many calories, try to eat less the rest of the day or the next day. For this it is good to look at the total number of calories you eat and reduce the size of your portions. Find how to limit the calories in your favorite foods. For example, you can bake some foods instead of frying them or you can use low-fat milk instead of cream. Don't forget to fill half of your plate with fruits and vegetables.

Myth: I should not eat fast foods when I am on a diet because they are an unhealthy selection.
Truth: It is true that many fast foods are not very healthy and can make you gain weight. However, if you are in a place where fast food is served, select the menu options carefully. Both at home and on the street, choose small portions of healthy foods that are high in nutrients and low in calories.

Tip: To choose healthy and low-calorie foods, review the nutritional data. Today you can often find them on menus or on restaurant websites. However, do not forget that nutritional data does not always include sauces or extras. Try these tips:

Avoid combos or specials, which despite giving you more for your money, tend to have more calories than is needed in a single meal.
Choose fresh fruits or nonfat yogurt for dessert.
Limit the use of extra ingredients that are high in fat and calories, such as bacon, cheese, regular mayonnaise, salad dressings and tartar sauce.
Choose steamed, grilled or baked products instead of the fried ones. For example, try grilled chicken breast instead of fried chicken.

Drink water or nonfat milk instead of soda.
As a side dish, serve a salad or a small portion of rice with beans instead of cassava or chips.
What is the difference between a serving and a serving?
The nutrition information label of the US DRUG AND FOOD ADMINISTRATION (FDA *) appears on most packaged foods (see Figure 1). On this label, you can see the amount of calories and the portions that are in that box, can or package. The serving size varies from product to product.

One serving is the amount of food you choose to eat at once, whether in a restaurant, a package, or at home. Sometimes, the portion size and serving size are the same but many times they are not.

You can use the nutrition facts label to:

See how many calories and portions you consume.
Make healthier food selections, serve smaller portions and choose foods with less fat, salt and sugar and more fiber and vitamins.
Learn more! Go to the bottom of this sheet where it says "How to use the nutrition facts label" for more information on how to read food labels.

Myth: When something says "low fat" or "fat free," it means it has no calories and I can eat the amount I want.
Truth: A serving of a low-fat or non-fat food can be lower in calories than a serving of the same product with all its fat. However, there are many processed foods that are low in fat or fat free but have equal or more calories than the same food with the full amount of fat. Flour, salt, starch or sugar are sometimes added to these foods to improve their taste and texture after the fat has been removed. This adds calories to the food.

Tip: Read the nutritional information on the label (see Figure 1) on the food packages to find out how many calories are in a serving. Check the portion size. The size may also be smaller than what you are used to eating.

Myth: If I skip a meal, I can lose weight.
Truth: If you skip a meal, you may end up feeling more hungry. This can make you eat more than usual at the next meal. Studies show a relationship between not having breakfast and obesity. People who do not eat breakfast usually weigh more than people who eat a healthy breakfast.

Tip: Choose meals and snacks ("snacks") that include a variety of healthy foods. Try the following examples:

Quick breakfast: Eat oatmeal with low-fat milk and topped with fresh fruit or eat a whole wheat toast with fruit jam.
Healthy lunches: prepare your lunch every night, so you won't be tempted to run out of the house in the morning without your lunch.
Healthy snacks: pack a small, low-fat yogurt, a couple of whole wheat crackers with peanut butter, or vegetables with hummus.
For more information on healthy eating, read our brochure "How to improve your health: Tips for adults". (See the "Additional Information" section for links to this and other WIN brochures.)

Myth: Eating healthy foods is too expensive.
Truth: Eating better doesn't have to cost a lot of money. Many people think that fresh foods are healthier than canned or frozen foods. For example, some people think that spinach is better raw than frozen or canned. However, some canned or frozen fruits and vegetables provide as many nutrients as fresh and at a lower cost. Choose canned vegetables low in salt and canned fruits in their own juice or in water. Do not forget to rinse canned vegetables to remove excess salt. Some canned seafood, such as tuna, is healthy, inexpensive and easy to keep in the dispensation. Other healthy sources of protein that do not cost much are lentils, peas or peas and canned, frozen or packaged beans.

Tip: Look at the nutritional information of canned, frozen and bagged foods. Look for foods that are rich in calcium, fiber, potassium, protein and vitamin D. Also look for foods that are low in added sugars, saturated fats and sodium. For more advice, see "The good purchase of vegetables and fruits External link" (PDF, 67 KB) and "Healthy Eating on a Budget External link", both on the MyPlate External link website (see the "Information section additional").

Myths about physical activity
Myth: It is not good to lift weights if I am trying to lose weight, because it will make me look "too muscular."
Truth: Doing activities that help strengthen muscles regularly can help you burn more calories. To strengthen your muscles, you can lift weights, use rubber bands or large resistance bands, do push-ups or sit-ups, or do housework or gardening tasks that make you lift something or dig. Doing strengthening activities 2 or 3 days a week, will not make you "too muscular." Only intense training to harden the muscles, combined with genetics (the genes inherited from the parents), manage to form very large muscles.

Tip: Government guidelines for physical activity recommend that adults exercise to strengthen muscles at least 2 times a week. These guidelines also suggest that adults should do 2½ to 5 hours a week of moderate or vigorous aerobic activity. Aerobic exercise is what makes you sweat and breathe faster and includes activities such as brisk walking or cycling.

For more information on the benefits of physical activity and advice on how to be more active, see government guidelines on physical activity (see the "Additional Information" section for a link).

Don't sit there!
In the United States, people spend a lot of time sitting in front of the television, computer, and desk or using handheld devices. Divide your day, moving more and doing normal aerobic activity that makes you sweat and breathe faster.

Do 2½ to 5 hours of physical activity of moderate or vigorous intensity each week. Go jogging, brisk walking or hiking, play tennis, soccer or basketball, or use a hula hula. Choose what you enjoy most! With you doing 10 minutes of physical activity at once, several times throughout the day and week, you will reach your goal for the total amount of physical activity you should do.

Strengthen the muscles at least twice a week. Do push-ups, pull-ups, lift weights, do heavy gardening or work with rubber bands of resistance.

Myth: Physical activity only counts if I can do it for long periods of time.
Truth: You do not need to do physical activity for long periods to achieve your 2½ to 5 hours of activity each week. Experts advise doing aerobic activity for periods of 10 minutes or more at a time. You can distribute these sessions throughout the week.

Tip: Plan to do at least 10 minutes of physical activity three times a day for 5 or more days a week. This will help you reach the goal of 2½ hours. Take a few minutes of your work for a walk. Use the stairs. Get off the bus one stop before yours. Go out dancing with your friends. No matter whether they are short or long periods, these periods of activity can add up to the total amount of physical activity you need each week.

Myths about food
Myth: Eating meat is bad for my health and makes it harder for me to lose weight.
Truth: Eating small amounts of lean meat (the one with low fat) can be part of a healthy weight loss plan. While it is true that chicken, fish, pork and red meat contain some cholesterol and saturated fat, they also contain healthy nutrients such as iron, protein and zinc.
Tip: Select cuts of meat that have less fat and remove all the fat you see. Less fat cuts of meat include chicken breast ("chicken breast"), pork loin ("pork loin"), beef steak ("beef round steak") and ground beef extra lean ( "extra lean ground beef"). You should also look at the portion sizes. Try to eat meat or chicken in portions of 3 ounces (about 8.5 grams) or less.

Myth: Milk and milk products make me fat and unhealthy.
Truth: Cheese, milk and low-fat or low-fat yogurt are as nutritious as products made with whole milk, but have less fat and calories. Milk products, also known as dairy products, have protein that helps increase muscle mass and help the organs function well. They also have calcium that serves to strengthen bones. Most milk and some yogurts are enriched with vitamin D that helps the body use calcium. Most people living in the United States do not get enough calcium or vitamin D. Milk products are an easy way to get more of these nutrients.

Tip: According to government guidelines, you should try to consume 3 cups a day of fat-free or low-fat milk or its equivalent in milk products. This may include soy-based beverages enriched with vitamins. If you cannot digest lactose (the type of sugar found in milk products), choose milk products that do not contain lactose or that have low levels of lactose. You can also choose other foods and beverages that contain calcium and vitamin D, such as:

Calcium: canned salmon, dark green leafy vegetables such as cabbage or kale, and soy-based drinks or tofu made with calcium sulfate.
Vitamin D: cereals or soy-based drinks.
Myth: Becoming a vegetarian will help me lose weight and be healthier.
Truth: Studies show that people who follow a vegetarian eating plan usually consume fewer calories and fat than people who are not vegetarian. Some studies have also found that vegetarian-style eating is associated with a lower level of obesity, blood pressure and risk of heart disease. Vegetarians also have less body fat than people who are not vegetarians. However, both vegetarians and non-vegetarians can choose foods that are not so healthy that they can affect their weight by making them rise. For example, they may eat large amounts of foods that are high in fat and calories and have little nutritional value.
The types of vegetarian diets in the United States can vary greatly. Some people do not eat any kind of animal product, while others consume milk and eggs along with plant foods. There are also those who feed mainly following a vegetarian plan, but include small amounts of meat, seafood, chicken or turkey.

Tip: If you decide to follow a vegetarian eating plan, be sure to eat the nutrients you normally get from animal products such as cheese, eggs, meat and milk. In the table below, you will find a list of the nutrients that may be missing in a vegetarian diet with some foods and drinks that may help you fill your needs for those nutrients.
Do you have more questions?
If you are not sure whether or not to believe what a product or service says to lose weight or nutrition, find out! The Federal Trade Commission (External Trade Commission) External link has information in English on false advertising statements to lose weight. You can also find more information on nutrition and weight loss by talking with a dietitian at the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. External link. See the "Additional information" section for the corresponding links.