Monday, January 6, 2020

Weekly healthy menu for the whole family

Weekly healthy menu for the whole family

Work, friends, family, hobbies ... our daily life can be full of tasks that make us sit at the table without having planned our menu. That is why we want to make it very easy for you and provide you with a healthy weekly menu for the whole family.

We have two excuses to share this menu with you: today is National Nutrition Day 2019 and in addition, our YouTube nutrition channel has reached 100,000 subscribers. These two reasons for celebration have brought together 12 nutritionists from Alimmenta to prepare a healthy menu that you can download here. In this article we also share the video in which nutritionists explain why they have chosen each dish from the menu. Your explanation will help you to apply your selection criteria in your future weekly menus. Next, we also share the recipes and ingredients, so you have no excuse when it comes to encouraging you to follow our menu.

And if you want better than we tell you instead of reading it, in this video Alimmenta nutritionists explain how to prepare the recipes.

Recipes from your healthy weekly menu


Breakfast: tomato and avocado toast and pear yogurt
Ingredients: whole wheat toast with tomato, avocado and pepper.
Preparation: half tomato and half avocado are sliced ​​and arranged on a toast of whole wheat bread. It is spiced with a little ground pepper. This dish will provide you with healthy fats, antioxidants (tomato lycopene), fiber and fruit and probiotics.
Food: baked breasts with vegetables and spices
Ingredients: 1 whole breast baked with zucchini, green pepper, onion, tomato and mushrooms.
Preparation: Vegetables are fried in the pan, adding first the onion and pepper, then the zucchini and mushrooms and finally the sliced ​​tomato. Add the vegetables to the baking sheet, season the whole breast and bake for 30 minutes at 180º. It is a dish rich in vegetables (vitamins, minerals, fiber) and satiating that incorporates lean proteins of high biological value.
Snack: bowl of natural yogurt with nuts, strawberries and grated coconut
Ingredients: natural yogurt, strawberry nuts and grated coconut.
Preparation: prepare a bowl with plain yogurt or whipped cheese and add a handful of nuts and strawberries washed and cut. You can add grated coconut on top.
Dinner: pumpkin and onion cream with roasted chickpeas and hard boiled egg
Preparation: sauté a clove of garlic with olive oil. Clean and cut the onion, leek and squash. Start by adding the onion and the leek, so that it takes on garlic flavor. Then add the pumpkin. Cover all vegetables with water, add salt and spices to taste and let it go. Crush.

In parallel, bring to boil 2 eggs. For the chickpeas, once you have them boiled, spice them with oregano, salt and turmeric and brown them a little in the oven until they are toasted. Mount the plate.


Breakfast: bowl of yogurt with apple and granola
Ingredients: 1 apple, 1 natural yogurt, 1 serving of granola.
Preparation: prepare a baked apple with cinnamon (you can roast it the night before) and assemble the bowl with plain yogurt, the baked apple in pieces and granola.
Food: cream of leeks and apple + pork tenderloin with brown rice
Ingredients (4 people): 4 leeks, 1 apple, 1 potato, 3-4 glasses of poultry broth and olive oil.
Preparation: for the cream, sauté 4 leeks with a little olive oil. When it is poached, pour a glass of water and crush it. Add a small potato, an apple, 2-3 glasses of broth and cook for about 20 minutes. At the end, everything is crushed and ready.
For the sirloin, cut it to medallions and cook it on the grill with a little oil and strong fire. Accompany it with some brown rice. It is very good accompanied by some applesauce or red fruits.
Snack: natural yogurt with strawberries
Ingredients: natural yogurt and strawberries
Preparation: strawberries are washed and chopped and mixed in a bowl with natural yogurt.
Dinner: salad of canons, couscous and beets with halibut
Ingredients: Canons, beets, olive oil, lemon, couscous, halibut, parsley, garlic and pepper.
Preparation: for the salad you must boil the beet for 15 minutes, then drain it and cut it into dice. Once cut, place it in a salad bowl along with the clean canons. On the other hand, moisturize the couscous with the instructions on the package and mix all the ingredients. Dress with olive oil, lemon and spices that you like.
For the second dish, finely chop the garlic and parsley and go through the paella with a little oil. Once the garlic is golden, add the fish, pepper and cook on both sides.


Breakfast: toast with tomato and zucchini tortilla
Ingredients: whole wheat toast, tomato, ½ zucchini, salt and extra virgin olive oil.
Preparation: sauté half zucchini in a pan and mix it with a previously beaten egg. Add a little oil in a pan and prepare the tortilla. Accompany the tortilla with a toast and tomato.
Food: quinoa salad, broccoli, tuna and piquillo pepper
Ingredients: quinoa, broccoli, tuna, piquillo pepper, extra virgin olive oil and salt.

Preparation: wash the quinoa well and boil it. On the other hand, cut the broccoli into small trees and boil it. Meanwhile, in a bowl mix a can of tuna with the piquillo pepper in strips and reserve it in the fridge. When everything is the same
temperature, you can mix it and dress it to taste. It is a perfect recipe to take in a tupper.
Snack: Pancakes with peanut butter and raspberries
Ingredients: 1 small cup of vegetable drink, 1 small cup of whole wheat flour, ½ tablespoon of yeast dessert, 1 pinch of salt. For peanut butter: half a glass of roasted peanuts without salt.
Preparation: to make the pancake dough you have to mix the vegetable drink with the flour, yeast and salt. Beat the ingredients until there are no lumps. Add a little oil to a pan and, when hot, add a little dough. When bubbles begin to appear on the surface, turn it over. To make the peanut butter, mash the roasted peanuts until you get the texture you like. If you want to make it lighter, you can add some water. To serve it, put a tablespoon of peanut butter on the pancakes and place a few raspberries on top.
Dinner: strawberry and toast gazpacho with tofu scrambled eggs
Ingredients for gazpacho: 5 ripe tomatoes, 1 bowl of strawberries, 1 cucumber, 1 green pepper, ½ onion and 1 glass of water.
Ingredients for toast with scrambled tofu: 2 whole wheat toast, 120g of tender tofu, ½ onion, 5 large mushrooms, ½ bunch of asparagus

Preparation: you have to beat all the ingredients with the blender and add salt and vinegar to your liking. If you like less thick, you can add more water. For the second dish you will need whole wheat bread, tender tofu, wild asparagus, onion and mushrooms. First you have to cut the mushrooms into slices and chop the asparagus and onion. Skip them with a little oil. While they are browning you can undo the tofu with your hands and add it to the pan. You can add Provencal herbs or other spices that you like. To serve it, put the scrambled eggs on top of some toast that will provide you with carbohydrates.


Breakfast: cheese and tomato toast and fruit
Ingredients: Toast, arugula or canons, fresh cheese or cottage cheese and pieces of cherry tomatoes and nuts. Orange or a serving of strawberries.
Preparation: Choose a whole wheat bread, toast it and add fresh cheese or cottage cheese, cherry tomato, canons or arugula and pieces of nuts on top. Accompany it with an orange or sliced ​​strawberries.
It is a breakfast source of healthy fats (nuts), antioxidants (tomato lycopene), fiber of bread and fruit, vit C of the orange or strawberries and calcium of fresh cheese or cottage cheese.
Food: eggplants stuffed with vegetables, chicken and hard boiled egg
Ingredients: 2 whole eggplants, zucchini, onion, red and green pepper, mushrooms, chicken breast, egg, grated cheese, oil, salt and black pepper.
Preparation: wash the eggplants with water and dry them. Cut the 2 eggplants into 2 pieces lengthwise. Make cuts in the inside meat of the eggplant, empty the inside with a spoon and reserve. Chop the eggplant pulp and clean and chop the zucchini, onion, red pepper, green pepper and mushrooms. Heat a pan, cook the grilled chicken breast and the reserves. Then, in the same pan, add oil if necessary and poach all the vegetables previously cut and seasoned (including eggplant). At the same time, boil 2 hard boiled eggs. When the vegetables are made, introduce the chicken breast and the chopped or chopped hard-boiled egg and mix it everything. Preheat the oven to 180º, on a baking sheet. Arrange the 4 halves of the eggplant, fill them with the mixture of vegetables, chicken and egg. Cover with grated cheese and place in the oven for about 30 minutes, turning on the bottom plate of the oven to cook the eggplant. It ends up giving a touch of gratin of 5 minutes, so that the cheese is melted.
This dish provides you with antioxidants from eggplants, vitamin C from red and green peppers, vegetable fiber, high-biological protein from eggs and chicken. It can be prepared without a boiled egg.
Snack: yogurt with blueberries and pistachios
Ingredients: natural yogurt, blueberries and pistachios.
Preparation: take a bowl and introduce 125 ml of natural yogurt, 150g of well-washed blueberries and about 10-15g of pistachios chopped into small pieces. Mix the ingredients and enjoy this delicious healthy and nutritious snack, rich in calcium and vitamin D thanks to yogurt, in antioxidants from the anthocyanins that give color to blueberries, vitamins C and group B and healthy fats, vegetable proteins and fiber thanks to pistachios.
Dinner: baked sea bass with vegetables and Moroccan-style couscous
Ingredients: Eggplant, zucchini, red pepper, yellow pepper and mushrooms.
Preparation: wash the vegetables well with the skin and cut them into dice or in brunoise. Once they are cut, spread the spices on top and print them with a little olive oil.
After about 15 minutes, place the vegetables on a baking paper and put it in the oven at 200 ° C for 10 minutes. Then, place the Seabass on top and reinsert the tray for another 10-12 minutes.
On the other hand, boil the same amount of water as couscous and when it starts to boil, remove from heat and add the couscous until it hydrates well.

Finally, if you want to give it a crunchy touch, you can go through the pan the couscous with the vegetables.


Breakfast: porridge with vegetable yogurt
Ingredients: oat flakes, vegetable yogurt (soy, oatmeal ...), chia seeds and red fruits (strawberries, raspberries, blueberries ...).
Preparation: generally porridge or porridge is prepared with milk or vegetable drink, but in this recipe we will replace it with vegetable yogurt (oatmeal, soy ...). For the preparation of the porridge you can do it in several ways:
1- “Porridge version”: boil the oat flakes in water in a non-stick casserole (about 4 tablespoons of flaked oatmeal per 200 ml of water) and stir. When it boils, lower over low heat and continue stirring until you find the desired consistency. The longer you leave it, the thicker it will be.
2- "Oats overnight version": soak the oat flakes in a cup of water or vegetable yogurt the previous night. The oatmeal will absorb the liquid from the water or yogurt and will soften.
Once we have prepared the porridge, we add the vegetable yogurt, except in the case of having left it to soak the previous night (since we will already have it prepared). Add the chia seeds (better crushed or soak the night before) and the red fruits to add color and vitamins to your breakfast, apart from the fiber and calcium that this wonderful porridge will give us.
Food: zucchini spaghetti sauteed with quinoa and prawns
Ingredients: zucchini, quinoa, frozen prawns, squid, garlic, virgin olive oil and salt to taste.

Preparation: to saute the zucchini spaghetti (prepared with the relevant utensil), previously fry a minced garlic clove over medium-high heat, with 1 tablespoon of oil and the prawns and / or squid. When the garlic begins to brown and the prawns / squid are changing color, add the zucchini to strips and stir over low heat. After a few minutes you can add the quinoa (previously cooked) to the preparation. Stir occasionally for 2-3 more minutes. And place to consume. This dish gives us energy, countless vitamins and minerals, fiber and proteins.
Snack: Chia pudding with fruit

Ingredients: 1 glass of milk or vegetable drink, 3 tablespoons of chia seeds, banana, strawberry and cinnamon.
Preparation: mix the chia seeds with the milk or vegetable drink and let them hydrate for 8-12 hours in the fridge. To give it more flavor, you can put cinnamon or vanilla. Before serving, add the chopped fruit (banana, strawberry). This snack gives you fiber (from the fruit and seeds of Chia) and healthy Omega-3 fats from Chia.

Dinner: salad and toast with pea cream and egg
Ingredients: eggplant, arugula, tomato, cheese, whole wheat bread, peas, egg and basil.
Preparation: first cut the eggplant into slices and cook it on the grill. While it is done, wash and cut the tomatoes and add them to a bowl next to the arugula. You can add some cheese that you like. In my case I have opted for feta cheese. Mix all the ingredients and season with olive oil and spices (black pepper and oregano).

For toast: put water in a pot and when it boils, add the peas. Let cook for 5 minutes, take out and drain. Crush together with some basil leaves. To make the egg poached, put water in a pot with a stream of vinegar. When it boils, throw the egg without a shell and shape it with the help of a spoon or skimmer, so that the egg white covers the yolk. Finally, spread a toast of bread (preferably whole wheat) with the pea pate and put the poached egg on top.


Breakfast: toast with banana and peanut butter
Ingredients: whole wheat bread, a medium banana, peanut butter or other dried fruit (no added sugar)
Preparation: cut slices of bread and lend it. Cut the banana into slices and heat it for a minute in the microwave at medium power or if you want you can heat it in a pan. When it is soft, you squash it with a fork and spread the toast. Above, add some peanut butter or other dried fruit and you will have your breakfast ready.
Food: baked anchovies and spaghetti sauteed with cherrys
Ingredients: anchovies, vinegar, 2-3 cloves of garlic, half a lemon, olive oil and white wine, whole spaghetti and cherry tomatoes.
Preparation: prepare the anchovies (without head or thorns) and dip them in vinegar for an hour.
Crush 2-3 cloves of garlic with a splash of lemon, a tablespoon of olive oil and about 2 fingers of white wine.
When the time has passed, dry the anchovies on kitchen paper a little and place them on a baking sheet (on baking paper) and with a brush, paint the anchovies with the mixture you have prepared, then introduce the tray to the oven and bake at 150 ° C for 8-10 minutes. Be careful not to do too much.

For spaghetti it will be easier: first boil the spaghetti, better integrals and reserve. Cut cherry tomatoes, a good amount, think they will be the vegetable ration. In a pan add a little oil and sauté the cherrys with a little salt. When they begin to wrinkle and are soft, add the spaghetti and saute over high heat for a few minutes, mix well and you can serve them.
Snack: oatmeal, banana and chocolate chip cookies
Ingredients: 1 ripe banana, 40g of oatmeal and 1 tablespoon of chocolate chips.
Preparation: chafa a ripe banana, add 4 Cd of oat flakes and a spoonful of dark chocolate chips. Mix it evenly and with the help of 2 spoons or your hands make balls. Place the portions on a baking sheet and give them cookie form. Then bake at 180º for about 20 minutes.
Dinner: artichokes with chicken drumstick, sauteed mushrooms and whole wheat toast
Ingredients: artichokes, mussels, mushrooms, salt, pepper, garlic, parsley and olive oil.
Preparation: cut the artichoke stem, place them in a microwave container. Add some oil, salt and pepper. Cover the bowl and microwave it for 5 minutes at full power.

Meanwhile, prepare some grilled contramuslos and sauté the mushrooms in a pan with a little garlic and parsley. If you want, accompany this recipe with an integral toast.


Breakfast: crepes stuffed with fruits and cinnamon
Ingredients:For the crepe dough: 1 egg, 80ml of milk or vegetable drink (soy, oatmeal), 3 tablespoons plain flour, salt.
For the filling: seasonal fruit (peach, strawberries, melon ...)
Preparation: beat the milk or vegetable drink and the egg in a bowl. Add the flour and salt and mix until there are no lumps. Brush a pan with a little oil and heat over medium heat. Pour the measure of a dipper from the dough and spread it across the surface to make it finite. When it starts to set, turn it over.
Fill the crepe with the chopped fruit and sprinkle cinnamon on top.
Food: sauteed prawns with vegetables and rice noodles
Ingredients: prawns, rice noodles, carrots, onions, zucchini, broccoli, olive oil, salt and soy sauce.
Preparation: peel the prawns and cut them in half. On the other hand, wash the vegetables. Cut the carrot, onion and zucchini into strips and separate the broccoli trees. Cook the vegetables in a pan with a little olive oil. When they are tender, add the prawns and wait for them to cook.

On the other hand, boil the rice noodles. To do this put a casserole with water and salt, when it boils turn off the heat, pour the noodles and after 5 minutes remove them from the water and let them drain in a colander. Add them to the pan along with the vegetables and prawns, season with soy sauce and mix all the ingredients.
Snack: fruit salad
Ingredients: kiwi, banana, apple, strawberries, orange, black grapes.

Preparation: Wash, chop the fruits and place them in a bowl. This fruit salad is rich in vitamin C, mainly soluble fiber, healthy energy in the form of CHO and antioxidants such as grape resveratrol.


Dinner: Lentil Salad
Ingredients: lentils, red pepper, onion, avocado, tomato, pickles, olives, mussels, black pepper, vinegar and olive oil.
Preparation: While the lentils are cooking, wash and chop the vegetables. Cook the mussels. In a bowl, mix all the ingredients and dress the salad to your liking.

And what if ...?

If you live in a country where you do not find the same ingredients or in your area they are very expensive, or maybe you feel bad about some of the ingredients of this menu, or it turns out that you are vegan and that adding “prawns” does not go with you… nothing happens, we encourage you to customize this menu, you will surely do great! Change the ingredients, replace them with similar foods, or dare to introduce other foods. We are only going to suggest one thing: that the foods you introduce, in addition to liking, are healthy.