Monday, January 13, 2020



Diabetes is a set of metabolic diseases characterized by the increase in blood glucose (hyperglycemia), caused by a deficient secretion of the hormone insulin, a resistance to the action of the same or a mixture of both. The diet is one of the four fundamental pillars of the treatment of diabetes, along with physical exercise, diabetes education and medication. However, it is also the aspect that is most frequently neglected.

Many diabetics have obesity. In these cases it is important to follow a low-calorie diet in order to lose weight and then be able to maintain a weight as close to the ideal as possible. It has been proven that weight loss improves blood glucose (blood sugar level), cholesterol level, triglycerides, and blood pressure.

Physical exercise is a very useful component in the treatment and to control body weight. It is advisable to perform some daily physical exercise. If the exercise is prolonged, a food rich in carbohydrates should be taken beforehand to prevent subsequent hypoglycemia, for example, a fruit, a smoothie or a yogurt.

Five daily meals
One of the fundamental aspects of the diet is the distribution of foods rich in carbohydrates throughout the day. Instead of making 3 large meals a day, it is preferable to divide them into at least 5 intakes (breakfast, mid-morning, lunch, snack and dinner). In this way we will avoid fluctuations in blood glucose levels throughout the day and improve diabetes control. It is important to respect the intervals between each meal and avoid fasting periods or skipping meals.

Recommended foods
As for the foods recommended in the diet of diabetic people, it should be noted that they do not differ from those recommended for healthy eating of the general population. However, it is essential that the diet is individualized, adapted to the characteristics of each person, their lifestyle and treatment. Low fat foods will be selected, limiting the consumption of fried or cooked with excessive fat, and selecting healthy cooking methods (steamed, baked, grilled, roasted, papillote, etc.). In addition, the consumption of sugars will be reduced and vegetables and vegetables will be consumed in abundance (including at least 5 pieces of fruits and vegetables a day.)

Alcohol is a potent hypoglycemic agent, for this reason it should be consumed in moderate amounts and always as an accompaniment to food. It is also advisable to drink plenty of water, between 1.5 and 2 liters a day.

Fiber is a mixture of substances of plant origin that is not absorbed in its passage through the intestine. Fiber has been shown to favor glycemic control by avoiding sudden rises after eating. Fiber-rich foods are those of plant origin, such as whole grains, nuts, legumes, fruits and vegetables.

Dietary product
Special dietary products for diabetics abound in stores, however, with few exceptions, it is not advisable to consume special foods, since they usually replace carbohydrates with other nutrients of higher caloric content (fats and proteins). In addition to considering them harmless, it is very easy to abuse them.

One of the most frequent complications of diabetes is hypoglycemia, a decrease in blood glucose levels below normal. It can be caused by different causes, for example, suppression of some food, change in medication, excessive exercise, inadequate control, etc. The characteristic symptoms are sweating, paleness, weakness, headache, hunger and fatigue. The treatment requires immediate action, consisting of the rapid administration of glucose or sucrose, in the form of sugar, honey, sugary sodas, natural juices. After a few minutes you should take a food rich in complex carbohydrates, such as a slice of bread or cookies.