Saturday, January 11, 2020


Obesity is characterized by excess weight as a result of increased body fat. A person is considered obese when their body mass index is greater than 30 kg / m². It is important to clarify that obesity should be treated as a chronic disease and that its treatment must be considered in the long term.

The main objective is to achieve a change in lifestyle that allows a gradual decrease in fat mass and the maintenance of weight lost over time.

Small changes, big results
First, it is necessary to modify eating habits:

Introduce abundant raw and cooked fruits and vegetables (at least five units a day), skimmed milk, whole grains.
Select lean cuts of meat and fish. Cook them with low-fat procedures (baked, grilled, steamed, papillote, etc.)
Monitor the amounts and try to gradually reduce the consumption of salt and alcohol.
Drink at least 1.5 to 2 liters of water daily.
Make a full breakfast, plan menus in advance and distribute meals in at least five intakes to avoid snacking.
However, if we limit changes to food, it will be more difficult for us to reach the goal. It is essential to accompany these diet modifications with a gradual increase in daily physical activity. It is not about becoming an athlete overnight, nor about doing a strenuous activity that we are unable to maintain over time. On the contrary, we must opt ​​for an activity that we can easily include in our routine, so that we will ensure your daily compliance. For example, walking to work, class or the market; get off the subway or bus a few stops before and walk the rest of the way; park the car farther than usual; replace the elevator with the stairs; Go for a walk; ride a bike, etc.

Therefore, it is useless to follow a fad or miraculous diet that achieves rapid weight loss at the expense of muscle and water, since due to its unreal characteristics it cannot be maintained in the long term.

False myths about obesity
There are some myths or misconceptions about food and the treatment of obesity that need clarification:

Fruits get fat if they are eaten as dessert. Food is always digested in the same way, regardless of the order of its intake, without this affecting its caloric value at all. What is certain is that if the fruit is consumed at the beginning, its fiber content can increase the feeling of fullness.
Carbohydrates gain more weight than proteins. Both provide 4 kilocalories per gram of nutrient.
Does drinking water during meals fattening. Water is an alkaline nutrient, therefore, it does not provide calories or fat. Another thing is fluid retention that occurs with some diseases, but that has nothing to do with increasing body fat.
Toasts get less fat than bread. They have the same caloric value. They only differ in that toast contains less water.
Vitamins increase appetite. It is fully proven that no vitamin stimulates appetite.