Tuesday, January 7, 2020


Are you tired of always eating the same? Organizing a weekly menu and anticipating can be the solution to your problems! It will help you eat healthy and save time and money.

In our section you will find weekly vegetarian, family, diet, Mediterranean or weight loss menus.

This is what you must do to make a healthy and simple family weekly menu:

Create a kind of template that you can fill in, where you write down the days of the week and the meals of the day.
Keep in mind that breakfasts should be the strongest meal of the day, balanced lunches and light dinners. Do not forget to snack at least twice a day, once in the morning and once in the afternoon.
The Harvard dish method can be of great help when planning meals, so you will know the portion of each food group and you will not forget any.
To fill in the organizer of your healthy weekly menu, you have to take into account the quantity and food groups that should be consumed, for example:
Proteins: are divided into blue fish (1 day), white fish (2-3 days), red meat (1 day), legumes (2 days), eggs (maximum 4 units)

Carbohydrates: they can be consumed every day whenever it is as a side dish.

In a healthy weekly menu it is advisable to eat cooked or fresh vegetables, twice a day.
Try to include seasonal products in your weekly menu. These are cheaper and each season you can vary them.
While doing the planning and before going to the supermarket, it is recommended that you check both the fridge and the pantry, to take advantage of the food you already have at home.
So you don't forget anything, you can make the shopping list in parallel with the menu.
If you don't have time to cook every day, meal-prepping can be a great ally.
If you want to get an idea of ​​easy and cheap weekly menus, we have for all tastes, lactose-free menus for the intolerant, vegetarian for those who prefer to avoid meats, and detox for those who want to detoxify their body.

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