Monday, January 13, 2020

Mediterranean diet, healthy diet.

Mediterranean diet, healthy diet.

The population is increasingly sensitized to the need and desire to maintain health. We are more receptive to everything related to nutrition and this also makes us much more vulnerable. Therefore, it is necessary to clearly establish and disseminate the general rules that must be taken into account to design, prepare and consume a healthy diet based on the Mediterranean diet.

When establishing the criteria that a healthy diet must meet, it is proven that many diets or combinations of foods can be considered adequate to constitute a healthy or prudent diet.

The average diet of the Spanish responds to what has been considered Mediterranean Diet, synonymous with prudent and healthy diet, in light of the different studies on the diet-health relationship and also taking into account the life expectancy of the Spanish population , one of the highest in the world. The variety in the diet is a guarantee of balance, since some food groups provide nutrients that in other groups are deficient and even, within the same food group, some can replace the nutritional deficiency of others. This criterion of variety must be linked to that of moderation, since everything must be eaten, but without exceeding the quantities.

Therefore, choosing foods that are part of our diet is very important because they should:

Help maintain good health.
Allow to enjoy.
Fit into eating habits and customs.
What foods make up a Mediterranean diet?
The olive oil

olive oil
This oil rich in Vitamin E, is the quintessential oil used for cooking, dressing, sweets ... etc. This oil is rich in beta carotenes and monounsaturated fatty acids therefore has cardioprotective properties.

Fruits, vegetables, vegetables and legumes.

It is also an important part of the Mediterranean diet that provide large amounts of vitamins, fiber and minerals. They also help prevent cardiovascular diseases thanks to its high content of antioxidants.


Bread, pasta and rice are clear examples of foods in the Mediterranean diet that are high in carbohydrates and provide an important part of energy. Opting for integral products is a great option to improve fiber intake.


Blue fish has protective properties against cardiovascular diseases since it is rich in fats similar to those of plant origin.


It is an important source of protein although it also contains vitamins and minerals. It is highly recommended to combine them in dishes with vegetables and cereals. It is also recommended to choose the leanest pieces versus the fattest.


They are a great source of high quality proteins, they also contain vitamins and minerals. They are a low-calorie food with a balanced amount of fat.

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