Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Diet to lose weight and be healthy in summer

Diet to lose weight and be healthy in summer

Nutritionist Gema Cabañero proposes a balancing plan to not return with extra kilos on vacation and without post-vacation stress

Follow this plan to lose weight and stay healthy and full of energy ...
Follow this plan to lose weight and stay healthy and full of energy in summer.


Fresh food and acid control of the body limiting the ...
Fresh foods and acid control of the body limiting the intake of certain foods are the basis of this meal plan that balances your body and mind in summer.

Regulate the organism and promote light digestions by making small changes in your daily life that combines notions of Neuroendocrine Theory, with some keys to naturist food, paleolithic, dissociated diet and Chinese Medicine with its ancient wisdom in terms of food and organic balance (such as the theory of ying and yang, among others ...), also taking into account the psychological or emotional side, which greatly influences how we feed. "

The goal of this plan is to balance the organism since the intestine, known as the 'second brain' to house 90% of the body's serotonin, when the diet is unbalanced tends to harbor many more bacteria that affect serotonin, reaching occur from mental confusion, tendency to negativity, resistance to change, difficulty in decision-making and even possible self-destructive behaviors "points out its creator Gema Cabañero.

In addition, it promises to balance your body and "significantly improve from sleep quality, mood (irritability, depressive tone ...), tiredness or chronic fatigue, dermatitis / eczema, dermal redness, inflammation of the eyelids to the weakness of nails and hair, and of course, swelling of the abdomen, among many other issues, "says Cabañero.


Food tryptophan like bananas are key in this type ...
Tryptophan foods such as bananas are key in this type of diet to make your vacation healthy and happy.

1.- There are no prohibited foods but it does eliminate industrial foods, white sugar, saturated fats, salt, wheat (replace it with rye) and cow's dairy (replace them with vegetable or goat milks) and meats red because they are all foods that contribute in one way or another to deregulate the acid-alkaline balance of the body and hinder digestive processes. Although it is essential to eat food from all groups in its proper measure, because the lack of essential nutrients such as certain vitamins and minerals have serious consequences on the metabolism.

2. Bet on fresh and organic foods if possible. It prioritizes the consumption of vegetables, legumes, lean proteins (especially birds and fish), fruits and seeds, and whole-grain carbohydrates, and that is, as Gema Cabañero explains, "in reality, the most practical thing would be to be clear that we shouldn't eat anything that didn’t exist 100 years ago (what our grandparents didn’t eat) or anything that contains commercials. "

3. Controls the acid-alkaline balance of the organism. That is, measure the pH from time to time (it can be done easily at home through a simple urine test with the acetone strips sold in the pharmacy); if it is less than 7.35 acidosis occurs and it is advisable to make a more alkaline diet). Symptoms of acidosis are lack of energy, insomnia, dry and cracked skin ... stress, binge eating or 'bingeing', alcohol, fasting or skipping meals, travel and medications can also trigger it.

Drink water between meals but limit your intake while eating for ...
Drink water between meals but limit your intake while eating to facilitate your digestion. It is an advice of the expert in nutrition Gema Cabañero.

4. Practice mindful eating or conscious eating or try to be aware of what you eat and how you eat it (reading food labels), managing your stress and emotions by breathing while eating and avoiding eating by eating.

5. Prioritize the healthiest cooking methods (steamed, baked or grilled) and avoid fried foods and cooking at very high temperatures.

6. Avoid certain food mixtures so as not to overload your digestive system: Proteins should not be eaten at the same time as cereals or carbohydrates, but all three can be mixed with vegetables of all kinds. The expert recommends taking only 1 type of protein per day in just one of the meals.

The fruit should be eaten alone, never as a dessert of the meals, because the fruits slow down the digestion and the stomach is focused on them, because it 'costs' to process them in a way that prevents us from correctly digesting the nutrients from the foods we have consumed just before . It is best to consume it at least one hour before meals.

Nor should different types of carbohydrates and cereals be mixed in the same intake (they can be mixed with vegetables) and preferably consume only 1 type at breakfast or, at most, lunch. Never at dinner And you should not drink water during meals. If you do, try to always be half an hour before and two hours later, because overloading the stomach of fluid also hinders digestive function.

7. Do not spend more than 3 or 4 hours without eating to avoid starvation. The most copious intakes should be breakfast and lunch, while dinners should be light (giving priority to vegetables, soups or salads) as well as mid-morning and mid-afternoon snacks, which can be fruit or nuts.

8. Exercise moderately frequently, such as walking one hour a day, avoiding excess when doing sports that usually gets old.

9. Supplement vitamin deficiencies with supplements that balance your body (tryptophan, tyrosine, linoleic acid ...) that give you energy and balance your nervous system.

10: Give yourself a prize-free day a week to not feel on a diet and discover your new favorite restaurant "The important thing is what we do in the daily routine (Monday through Friday), throughout the year!", Explains Gema Cabañero.


OPTION 1: Pink or orange grapefruit juice (1 large orange or 2 small oranges) mixed with lemon juice + 1 tea or coffee (if you can not leave the exciters, which should not be abused) alone or with skim milk or, preferably, coconut milk or oatmeal + 2 toasted whole wheat rye bread or buckwheat with margarine and sugar-free jam.
 OPTION 2: Natural skimmed yogurt + 2 or 3 pieces of acidic or semi-acidic fruit (kiwis, tangerines, strawberries, strawberries, pomegranate, pineapple, medlars, raspberries, apple, pear, papaya, mango ... taking into account that it is better not to mix several types of fruit but take one) + 2 toasted whole wheat rye bread with extra virgin olive oil. 
OPTION 3: Pink or orange grapefruit juice (1 large orange or 2 small oranges) mixed with lemon juice

(It is recommended to vary each day of fruits. If desired you can drink the juice alone or with a piece of fruit in the early hours and the rest in the middle of the morning).

LUNCHES: FIRST DISHES: - Varied salad for which you can choose between different mixtures of the following ingredients: Lettuce, buds, tomatoes, carrots, watercress, beets, radishes, leeks, onions, broccoli, chives, garlic, parsley, endives, Escarole, chicory, green peppers, mushrooms, celery, alfalfa, cucumber, asparagus, palmettos. * Choose 2 greens and vary the rest. Season with extra virgin olive oil, sea salt, apple cider vinegar (when not carrying tomato), or lemon, thyme, basil, oregano or soft dressings. Gazpacho without bread or vinegar (if you have rye bread it would count as a single dish), and avoid red pepper, which is digested with difficulty.

SECOND PLATES: (taking into account that you should not mix carbohydrates with proteins). - Lentils with vegetables (to choose carrots, turnips, leeks, eggplants, green peppers, onions, garlic, tomatoes) with vegetable stock. Add raw olive oil at the end. Never add meats or sausages. - Vegetable soup (prepared as in the previous recipe based on vegetables). - Chickpea stew with chard (only the green part of them) to which you can add the crude oil at the end. - Brown rice, alone or with vegetables (carrots, eggplants ...) and vegetables (artichokes, green beans, broccoli). - Cereals in flakes (barley, oats, rye, quinoa) or millet with vegetables and vegetables (same as above). - Potatoes cooked in vegetable broth with onion, garlic, parsley, green peppers and a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil (both vegetables and the best raw oil)

- Baked potatoes with oil, garlic and parsley. - Cream of carrot or zucchini or eggplant or mixed vegetables (add the oil after boiling and use as a vegetable stock base). - Eggplants stuffed with brown rice or ratatouille (use green pepper without frying but steamed). - Stuffed green peppers (same as above)

- Mushroom or onion or vegetable pizza or garlic (preferably whole wheat dough). - Spaghetti or macaroni with tomato sauce or fine herbs (preferably whole wheat pasta)

If you want to lose weight: Do not eat bread, or drink liquids during the meal, and do not drink any dessert, not even fruit.

LEGS: Prioritize the consumption of fruit by itself being the watermelon a great option to consume daily or (if dairy products have not been consumed at breakfast) a skimmed natural yogurt with 2 pieces of semi-acidic fruit or goat or sheep cheese with quince without sugar or bread or vegetable mini-sandwich with rye bread.

DINNERS: FIRST DISHES: - A steamed vegetable such as artichokes, spinach, chard (only green), broccoli, asparagus, green beans, or panache with 3 or 4 of these vegetables. Dressing with extra virgin olive oil, garlic, herbs, lemon ... - Gazpacho without bread and preferably without vinegar or red pepper). - Green salad (buds, endives, escarole, green pepper, chicory, watercress, spring onion).

SECOND PLATES: (avoid mixing proteins with hydrates). - White fish, baked or grilled (choose between hake, whiting, rooster, sole, grouper, turbot, sea bass, monk-fish or sea bream). If there is much appetite it can be accompanied with mushrooms or mushrooms. - Grilled or grilled blue fish (choose between: bonito, sardines, cuttlefish, pomegranate, salmon, anchovies, horse mackerel or mackerel). - Baked, roasted or grilled chicken. - A natural skimmed yogurt or, punctually, sheep or goat cheeses. - French omelette with only one egg, or scrambled leeks, mushrooms, tomatoes, chard, broccoli or spinach. - Egg passed by water alone or with natural tomato sauce. - White meat, baked or grilled (maximum 1 or 2 times per week).

And as a general rule, do not eat bread, or drink liquids during dinner, do not drink anything for dessert, not even fruit.